Service 111

Willington - Spennymoor

Operates Monday to Saturday only, excepting Public Holidays
Spennymoor High Street           0930 1030 1130 1230 1330 1430 1535 1630 1730
Middlestone Moor PO           0935 1035 1135 1235 1335 1435 1540 1635 1735
Binchester     0938 1038 1138 1238 1338 1438 1543 1638 1738
Byers Green     0942 1042 1142 1242 1342 1442 1547v 1642 1742
Willington  Priceless     0948 1048 1148 1248 1348 1448   1648 1748

Notes:    NS                                                   
Willington Priceless   0850 0950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450      1650     
Byers Green 0805 0856 0956 1056 1156 1256 1356 1456 1556 1656  
Binchester 0809 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700  
Middlestone Moor PO 0813 0903 1003 1103 1203 1303 1403 1503 1603 1703  
Spennymoor Cheapside 0819 0909 1009 1109 1209 1309 1409 1509 1609 1709  
Spennymoor High Street (arrive) 0820 0910 1010 1110 1210 1310 1410 1510 1610 1710  

Service 115

Spennymoor - Greenways

Operates Monday to Saturday only, excepting Public Holidays
Spennymoor High Street (depart)        0912   1012 1112 1212 1312 1412 1512 1612 1612 1712
Greenways      0919 1019 1119 1219 1319 1419 1519 1619 1619 1719
Spennymoor Cheapside   0926 1026 1126 1226 1326 1426 1526 1626 1626 1726
Spennymoor High Street   0927 1027 1127 1227 1327 1427 1527 1627 1627 1727

NS - Not Saturdays
V - runs via Todhills and terminates at Byers Green,

Public Holidays: Does not operate on the following Public Holidays; lst January, New Years Day holiday (if not the 1st January), Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day Holiday Monday, late spring Holiday Monday, August Holiday Monday, 25th December, 26th December & any Public Holidays in lieu of Christmas Day and Boxing Day when 25th December and/or 26th December fall on a Saturday or Sunday.

©2019 Weardale Motor Services
T : 01388 528 235 - 01388 760 465  F : 01388 526 080